Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Four-hour Fourgy

Sorry, readers. This is just a placeholder post for now. Work has been somewhat overwhelming of late, and one thing leads to another, and, wham, before you know it, you've entirely stopped cataloguing your sexual activities. I'm pretty sure that I could not entirely reclaim all of the hook-ups since I last posted, and when I realized that, I shuddered to think of the loss to history. I really must be more diligent, or I'll end up in another situation, as happened recently, where I'm chatting with a likely looking sub and complimenting him on those pictures of him tied to a bed and then realize that, hey, it's my bed that he's tied to in those pictures. Or, really, the bed we had before we got the king. Last night as I was ushering him out the door, at 11:30, he asked, "So did you recognize me or the bed first?" I probably should have lied, but I 'fessed up and told him it was the bed. That may have hurt his feelings, but he'd just spent several hours getting fucked from both ends by three guys, so I reckon he was okay.

Besides, maybe I should have been more embarrassed about slightly earlier in the evening when I was kissing him and kept trying and trying and trying to find his nipples and then, minutes later, realized that I'd been looking for them on his back. I may have been stoned. I may also have been laughed at, but, if so, I almost certainly joined in.

Anyway, more later. Remind me to mention what (and who) I did with my new eighteen-inch, double-headed dildo. I've provided some clues.

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